

La Coalition d’Ottawa contre la violence faite aux femmes (COCVFF) travaille à prévenir et contrer la violence fondée sur le genre partout où elle le peut, ce qui implique d’abord de mettre cette violence en lumière dans les différents aspects de la vie quotidienne en appliquant une grille d’analyse conçue spécialement dans ce but. Nous reconnaissons l’intersectionnalité des diverses formes d’oppression contre lesquelles nous luttons. Nous nous engageons à défendre le droit des survivantes de violence genrée et de toute personne marginalisée ou opprimée à la justice sociale, ainsi qu’à promouvoir la décolonisation, les droits reproductifs et la justice pour les personnes allosexuelles, trans ou en situation de handicap.


Reduce the increase in Police Budgets and Invest in Caring Communities


Calls to Action #everychildmatters


The femicide of Hanadi Mohammed was preventable


First Annual MENA Lesbian and Queer Women’s Pride Day


The connections between sexual violence and state violence


En anglais seulement…July 2021: We request that the Committee amend the budget so that the proposed 3% increase to the Ottawa Police Service is reduced to 0%. We need to invest in supports for survivors and those who cause harm to enable the conditions to limit violence as much as possible


En anglais seulement…June 2021: An open letter on the rights of Indigenous peoples to Justin Trudeau. We call on all government officials, and especially the Prime Minister, to move beyond reconciliation


En anglais seulement…June 2021: We are outraged at the killing of Hanadi Mohammed and the attack on her daughter. Hanadi Mohammed should be with us today and we mourn her loss and the loss to so many communities. Our systems failed to protect her.


En anglais seulement…June 2021: A joint statement recognizing the first anniversary of the death of lesbian activist Sarah Hegazi and announcing the inauguration of a Pride Day for Lesbian and Queer Women from the Middle East and North Africa.


En anglais seulement… September 2020: We want to acknowledge the flaws within the criminal justice system and police practices that fail survivors and members of the community. That is why we are critical of the police responses that resulted in Abdirahman Abdi’s death.


#JusticeforChantelMoore &




En anglais seulement… June 2020: We honour and remember the life of Chantel Moore who was killed by a police officer during a ‘wellness check’ as a result of gendered and racialized violence. We condemn police services for their ongoing violence and incarceration of Indigenous and Black communities.


En anglais seulement… May 2020: The Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW), is saddened and outraged at the injustice and racism faced by Black people in Canada and the murder of Regis Korchinski-Paquet, in yet another onslaught of anti-Black violence.