holding hands

If you or someone you know has experienced abuse or sexual assault, there are options for support.

We Believe You.

Unsafe at Home: TEXT/WHATSAPP @ 613-704-5535

Crisis / Help Lines:

Unsafe at Home: TEXT / WHATSAPP @ 613-704-5535
Ontario Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 24 hour 1-866-863-0511 or TTY 1-866-863-7868
Ottawa 24 hour Information and Help: 24 hour 613-745-4818
Ottawa Distress Centre: 24 hour (613) 238-3311 TEXT 343-306-5550
Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: 24 hour (613) 562-2333 TTY 613-562-3860
Sexual Assault Support Centre: 24 hour (613) 234-2266 TTY 613-725-1657
Fem'aide Crisis Line: 24 hour 1(877) 336-2433 ATS 1-866-860-7082
Trans Lifeline: 1-877-330-6366
CALACS Francophone d’Ottawa: 613-789-8096
The Carleton University Sexual Assault Support Centre (CUSASC): CHAT- texting 613-209-1142
Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program: 1-866-887-0015
Talk4Healing: 1-888-200-9997 or 1-855-554-4325
Youth Crisis Line: 24/7 crisis line 613-260-2360

Police Services:

Emergency: 24 hour – 911
Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit: 613-236-1222 ext 5944 TTY 613-232-1123
Victim Support Unit: 613-236-1222 ext 2223
Intimate Partner Violence Unit: 613-236-1222, ext. 7300

Health Care Services for adults:

Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP) at Ottawa Hospital:
24 hour 613-798-5555 ext. 13770 TTY 613-761-4140
Lanark County Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Emergency call 9-1-1
8am-4pm call/text 283-2330 ext. 1258 or 1239
After hours or urgent care call/text: 613-284-6656

Health Care Services for children:

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Emergency call 9-1-1
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm: contact the SACP Office by phone at 613-737-7600 ext. 2939
Urgent or After Hours: 613-737-7600 ext. 2330 and ask to speak with a SANE nurse


Chrysalis House: 613-591-5901 TTY 613-591-8912
Interval House: 613-234-5181 TTY 613-234-5193
Lanark County Interval House: 1-800-267-7946, 613-257-5960 TTY 613-257-1952
Maison d’Amitié: 1-877-336-2433, 613-747-0020 or TTY 613-744-7789
Nelson House: 613-225-3129 TTY 613-225-4653
Oshki Kizis Lodge (for Aboriginal women): 613-789-1141
Harmony House (daytime only): 613-233-3386
Evelyn Horne Emergency & Transitional Housing Program for Young Women: 613-789-8220

Transitional and Housing Programs:

Carlington Community and Health Services: 613-722-4000 TTY 613-761-7633
Counselling Family Services Ottawa: 613-233-8478 TTY 613-233-1866
Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre: 613-741-6025 TTY 613-741-3556
Family Services à la famille Ottawa: Crisis line Link. 613-725-3601 ext. 210 TTY 613-725-6175
Immigrant Women Services Ottawa: 613-729-3145
Minwaashin Lodge (Aboriginal Women): 24/7 support phone: 613-789-1141
Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre: 613-591-3686 TTY 613-591-0484
Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s Housing First program: 613-749-4500 ext. 21

Shelters providing Transitional Support and housing programs

Chrysalis House: 613-591-5901 TTY 613-591-8912
Interval House: 613-234-5181 TTY 613-234-5193
Lanark County Interval House: 1-800-267-7946, (613) 257-5960 TTY 613-257-1952
Maison d’Amitié: 1-877-336-2433, 613-747-0020 or TTY 613-744-7789
Minwaashin Lodge: Indigenous Women's Support Centre 613-741-5590 ext. 233
Nelson House: 613-225-3129 TTY 613225-4653
Oshki Kizis Lodge: Oshki Kizis Lodge is operated by Minwaashin Lodge - Indigenous Women's Support Centre. For more information, intakes, or crisis support, call 613-789-1141
Harmony House (daytime only): 613-233-3386
Evelyn Horne Young Women’s Shelter: 613-789-8220


Are you experiencing or witnessing assault?

Have you been assaulted? Do you feel threatened? Are you questioning your relationship? Do you often feel criticized, put down or threatened by your partner? Does your partner push, shove or hit you? Is your partner ever possessive, jealous, or controlling? No one has the right to touch you or to force you into any sexual act. Everyone has the right to be asked for their consent.

Different forms of abuse include:

  • Sexual

  • Physical

  • Verbal/emotional

  • Financial

  • Social

  • Internet

  • Harassment/stalking

  • Environmental

  • Ritual and cult

  • Spiritual/religious